Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Things are going well!

Here is a video of Pete getting excited about getting things to work on the app!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Capstone Poster

Here is our design for the Capstone poster that will be hung up around campus:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So I have been working on the directory for a while and I'm very happy with how it looks! All the names aren't in it yet, but it will be very simple for me to add them in. We had some scaling issues at first, but Paul and I fixed that. Today I will be working on the search bar and getting that to function so you don't have to scroll through hundreds of names to find the professor you're looking for.
 Here's how the directory looks right now:

Friday, March 28, 2014

App Button and new logo for the main page

Today Vanessa gave us some designs she has been working on for the apps home screen button and A logo for the Where to? on the apps main page. 

We are going over them and will make a decision soon.

We can do it.

We continue to work hard on the app. The map is coming along and as you can see above the UI is coming together. We have the plotting system working slightly but we need to work out a big with the map scaling. Two buttons have been added to zoom in and out of the map.
Above you can see that two points have been plotted. They aren't in the corerct positions but it was to test if it's working on the phone. Now we just have to work out the scaling issue and we will be all set. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Phone gap testing is a GO!

So we have started testing the basic app structure on android and iOS and it seems to be working well! A bit more development is needed. But we are getting there!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Marketing Meeting

Today we met with some of  FLCC's marketing staff to talk about our UI designs. After explaining our concerns and giving them our input and answering their questions we have come to a conclusion.

These are the totally final UI designs. These will be used to build the app.

Friday, March 7, 2014

New Suggestions for UI!

On Friday, 3/7/14, the whole class met to discuss their projects. The changes I've made here were the suggestions made by our fellow classmates.

UI's for Marketing Meeting

Here are a few different designs for the home page after getting feedback from Paul and Marketing.

Directory without the walking person icon.

These designs show different ideas for how the floor buttons would look.

This is going to work!

Its been a busy week. We have been working hard on new UI designs and finishing the final javascript for the loops and arrays. We have found that our programming theory is going to work.
The javascript below shows our final arrays. We have each floor divided into an individual array. Each array will contain sections that contain a room number or room key word paired to the x and y values on the vector map. Each floor array is then placed into the buildingArray. This is the main database that will be searched.
We also have the actual vector map placed into the app's test window. The map is in an .svg format or Scaleable Vector Graphic. This allows us to scale the image without distortion or quality loss.
Below is the code used to insert the .svg image. It is an object placed into a <div> tag. This creates a seperate box for the map to reside. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Once You Know Where You Want To Go, You Just Have To Get There.

 Its an exciting time here at camp Where To?

We decided on a new name for those who have been following along on our journey of development.
This week we aim to have our static UI designs approved by the staff of FLCC's marketing department.

This will allow us to plunge into building the app in Dreamweaver and really getting the project off the ground and into a real product.

Below are the final UI designs Katie has completed based off our ideas and our peers inputs.

I (Peter) have am working today on building the arrays in Javascript that will control our search functions and the actual structure of the app.

We are very excited to begin the coding and design and hope our followers are too.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One small step for man, one large step for man kind!

Today was a big day in the progress of building our app! After more programming and discovering the world of Javascript we have made the basic prototype of our location feature on the app. We added a few functions to move small squares the the coordinates of our array.

The image below shows the new CSS and some of the new Javascript we added to the page. The CSS controls the formatting of both the map.png and the markers for position. Those have been given the ID's #marker and #destmarker.

The image below shows the new script function to control the movement of the markers. 
 The first function places the marker for where your starting point is. The second function places the destination marker where you have asked it to go. These functions search the array for the place and coordinates you have asked to find, then the marker is placed on the coordinates of the room. 

The image below shows our test map as seen before. Except we have added a second text field.
This text field is to type the room number where you would like to go. You may also notice the small  orange square in the top left corner. This is our destination marker.

In the image below you can see that we have typed room numbers in the text fields. These rooms have been written inside our array and when searched for will be found and plotted on the map.

After pressing the find button you can see that the destination square has moved and you see a pink square. This is the room you are located near or in. We started in the square with the coordinates for A228 and the destination square went to the room with the bookstore coordinates.

This has been a huge breakthrough in developing our map and we are going to continue this route. Next it is on to some UI and UX design.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Javascript Is fun

Today we learned some valuable information Javascript. We have decided to totally move away from google maps and we are going to make our own map. By using arrays we can create our own search bar for finding our way around.

The image above is the Java we programmed using some imaginary coordinates and room numbers we have made a basic search for rooms.

The image above is a map we are making to test our search and the use of Arrays. Each squares center has coordinates in pixels on the entire .png image. What we are going to do is use those points to move out position and search classrooms. 

Google Maps Is a NO.

Throughout the week we have been working on how we are going to map out FLCC. We have been looking into using Google Maps. We tested embedding a Google map on a basic html Page.

After much frustration and thought Google Maps is out.

Right now we are looking into using an API called indoor Atlas more will be discussed later after we test it.

Now on to the GOOD news.

Peter met with Sarah Butler, the graphic designer for FLCC. They talked about the branding of our app and how it needs to look to be an official FLCC product.

The guidelines are very basic and should be easy to follow. It is a huge help to have this guide early on so we can plan our designs.

This is the color information for the FLCC colors used on the website and for printing.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 1 - Meeting

Today Katie, Paul and Peter had a meeting with the marketing and community affairs groups for the app. The Meeting went well and the Administrators are excited for us to begin working.

Katie and I have started looking into the possibility of building our map with Google Maps Map maker or Map Engine. We are still researching this and are trying to find what will work best.